Artificial Intelligence at the User Level in Vendor Setup & Maintenance

Speaker: Debra R. Richardson

The recent availability and upgrade of ChatGPT and other similar tools has taken Artificial
Intelligence (AI) from the technology realm down to the user level. Now more than ever, for
those that still have manual process when onboarding and maintaining vendor records, there
are AI tools that can make the process more efficient and enable you to communicate more
effectively with your vendors. Let’s review AI use cases for the vendor team and what security
and precautions need to be considered.

Learning Objectives:

  1. What is Artificial Intelligence – Review at a high level, what artificial intelligence is and
    which of the core applications will help the vendor team at the user level
  2. How it’s already Being Used – Learn how third party providers are using artificial
    intelligence to automate your processes and prevent fraud. Discover how you may already
    be using it daily.
  3. Use Cases > Vendor Team – Learn at least six (6) different use cases for artificial intelligence
    at the user level to help you in the vendor setup and maintenance process. Two use cases
    will have demos
  4. Security and Precautions – Learn what your company and you need to think about when
    using artificial intelligence in the vendor process? How does it affect fraud?
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November 05th 2024
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